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DotA v6.79c LoD v4c

DotA v6.79c LoD v4c
Авторы: IceFrog, DracoL1ch, ResQ.
Язык: Английский.
Количество игроков: 1 - 10 игроков.
Поддержка AI: Нет.
Ландшафт: Felwood.

DotA v6.79c LoD [v4c] - Новая версия популярной модификации DotA, под название Legends of DotA или же сокращённо LoD. Главной особенностью данной модификации является то, что вам предоставляется возможность практически "слепить" героя. Вам предоставляется выбрать героя, и подобрать под него способности. При хорошей комбинации вы сможете с легкостью одолевать противников. Для того, что почувствовать максимально приятный эффект от карты, необходимо играть эту карту полным составом, иными словами 5х5, уверяю вас, что это будет МЯСО!

Changelogs 6.79c lod v4c:

* Added a new loadscreen 'Clash of Heroes II' by kunkka
* Fixed an issue that could sometimes lead to all creeps from all lanes running towards 1 hero
* Fixed Frostbite lasting 10s on Roshan
* Fixed Invoker always having the same 4 spells in -SD/-MD
* Fixed -MD not having 11 heroes in the pool (now it has the same amount as -SD has)
* Fixed Spin Web granting permanent invisilibity after respawning
* Fixed Moonlight Shadow sometimes granting permnanent invisbility
* Fixed Shadow Wave only healing the inital target and not jumping
* Fixed gold bounty on lasthits sometimes not showing up visually (but still added gold normally)
* Fixed Moon Glaive not working on illusions
* Fixed Track gold bounty not working
* Fixed Primal Split always acting like it was upgraded with Aghanim's Scepter
* Fixed -repick in SD giving you a random hero from your pool instead of being able to repick
* Fixed Life Drain not only restoring mana, but also draining the targets mana
* Fixed Boulder Smash level 4 not working correctly
* Fixed passives hidden with -SP would not show up correctly in the observer-scoreboard
* Fixed Cold Snap learn tooltip being wrong
* Fixed Hoof Stomp not counting as an disable for the "2 disables only" in -EB
* Re-enabled Hunter in the Night (Will now also work for illusions and as 5th skill)
* In -MD and -SD (not d2, d3 etc) you may now see your ally's hero draft by typing -SH in the spell-pick-phase
* Command -SDDON (System Display Damage on) will now only work in Single Player
* Greater Bash will now only trigger if your attack landed instead of on attack-swing
* Heroes that were picked, then repicked, will no longer disappear from the pool of heroes you can pick
* In Single Player, Leragas the Vile (secret shop) will now be in the base as well
* Elune's Arrow will now show how long it stuns (is not shown to enemies)
* TP scroll will now show its countdown timer (is not shown to enemies)
* Buffed Meepo spells and enabled Poof: 1.Geostrike will now reduce AS as well, DPS from 7/14/21/28 to 15/20/25/30, duration from 2 to 2.5s
* 2. Poof allows you to teleport on illusions or self, if cast on yourself, damage is increased by 50%
* 3. Earthbind cooldown from 20/16/12/8 to 11/10/9/8s and cast range on Level 1 from 500 to 600
* Buffed Invoker spells: 1. Ice Wall manacost from 100/125/150/175 to 110/120/130/140
* 2. Deafening Blast CD from 40/35/30/25 to 18s
* 3. Chaos Meteor CD from 50/45/40/35 to 28s
* In -EB, Strygwyr's Thirst now only reveals targets under 35% (Invis-detection stays at 25%)
* In -EB, if you have Jinada and Geminate Attack on a melee hero, Jinada will now only crit for 1.25/1.45/1.65/1.85x
* Removed -SH command again and reverted scoreboard changes back to v3q state as it was causing desyncs
* Fixed Omniknight & Terrorblade spells not being pickable
DotA v6.79c LoD v4c
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