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Dota 6.79 Lod v3n

Dota 6.79 Lod v3n
Авторы: IceFrog, DracoL1ch, ResQ.
Язык: Английский.
Количество игроков: 1 - 10 игроков.
Поддержка AI: Нет.
Ландшафт: Felwood.

DotA v6.79 LoD [v3n] - Новая версия популярной модификации DotA, под название Legends of DotA или же сокращённо LoD. Главной особенностью данной модификации является то, что вам предоставляется возможность практически "слепить" героя. Вам предоставляется выбрать героя, и подобрать под него способности. При хорошей комбинации вы сможете с легкостью одолевать противников. Для того, что почувствовать максимально приятный эффект от карты, необходимо играть эту карту полным составом, иными словами 5х5, уверяю вас, что это будет МЯСО! biggrin

Changelogs 6.79 lod v3n:
* Added a -reset command that can ONLY be used in skillpickphase, reseting all skills you currently picked
* Fixed an abuse that involves leaving map boundaries resulting in amplified damage on some spells
* Fixed Invoker's icon being wrong
* Fixed not being able to upgrade your ultimate(s) with Aghanim's Scepter if you swapped heroes
* Fixed Dust not working
* Fixed some targeting issues with Shadow Dance, allies can now buff the Shadow Dance'd hero, spell cooldowns are no longer refreshed in Shadow Dance
* Fixed Tether and Frost Armor tooltips not being updated
* Fixed Relocate countdown being visible for enemies
* Fixed Frost Armor permanently slowing
* Truesight no longer counters Leap's evade
* Fixed being able to give move commands for Homing Missile
* Fixed Boulder Smash not working on enemies
* Fixed Kraken Shell not working in slot 5
* Fixed Town Portal Scroll proccing stuff like Multicast, Fiery Soul etc
* Aphotic Shield is now castable on Doomed units but it does not remove any buffs
* Fixed Track still awarding bounty even if it was dispelled
* Fixed Shadow Poison not working on Disrupted units
* Glyph of Fortification now blocks every damage by 100% instead of reducing it to ~0.5 damage
* Fixed Headdress Aura not working on ancient player units (Primal Split pandas, Spirit Bear, etc)
* Fixed some issues with Hunter in the Night that could lead to fatal errors
* During Primal Split, Earth Panda will inherit Gem of Truesight effect
* Backstab is now added to the unit's attack and not on attack swing
* Hand of Midas is now instant (no longer throws a projectile)
* Fixed Sentry Wards showing +0g when you kill them
* Fixed illusions not showing passive icons they inherited
* Fixed Eye of Skadi not having a visual
* Fixed Manabreak not showing its visual and sound effect on melee heroes
* Dealing more damage than a units maximum HP does not override Shallow Grave and Borrow Time anymore
* Dark Ritual and Essence Aura will now add the correct amount of mana when they trigger with full mana
* In -EB, Jinada will now only crit for 1.25/1.45/1.65/1.85x if you have Grow
* In -EB, Permanent Invisbility will still reveal you on spellusage
Dota 6.79 Lod v3n
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